(Originally published in 2021) Most people have heard of acupuncture, but many people don't fully understand how it works or what kind of diseases and symptoms it can treat. I thought I'd highlight some interesting cases my clinic has seen over the years. The easiest thing to treat with acupuncture is pain: all types, any location, acute or chronic...
Can acupuncture cure what ails you?
First off, the cardinal rule of medicine (besides do no harm) is to never say you can cure something. Lesson No. 1: If you run into someone claiming they can cure you, they probably haven't been in the business of medicine long enough to know that is such a misleading statement. What does "to cure" even mean? It means to completely get rid of, to c...
Treating headaches and migraines with medical acupuncture
If you've never had a headache, I'd be surprised to hear it. Headaches and migraines are among the most debilitating, painful conditions–and they're among the most common. There are many causes, types, and treatments. If you're someone who suffers from frequent headaches, it can be very frustrating to try to figure out how to deal with them. Prescr...